Opportunities For Black Entrepreneurs
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility
Opportunities For Black Entrepreneurs
When the purpose of combined steps amplifies opportunities to seek you.
"Believe In You"
Diana Rose Mary Thulare
To see your opportunities as a Black entrepreneur, including as a working class woman or man, you need to be able to show your expertise and be able to communicate with the people in a community and society that can benefit from the attraction to your service and/or product. The manner as to how you interact in gaining business is crucial. With that interaction is your potential growth in social mobility as seen and driven by you; in the first instance, then followed by community business leaders and peers. It is up to you if you choose to join particular business memberships, but bear in mind that memberships have the propensity to open opportunities for you. Opportunities that lead to invitations. Invitations that lead to business. Business that leads to growth. Throughout all of this is your social mobility. So put your best foot forward as you take the positive steps into social mobility that can lead you to a better life.
To see your opportunities as a Black owned business it is important that you harness social mobility. It can be used most effectively and mutually beneficial for those of you that are Shy, Introverted, or Autistic in nature. For when you harness social mobility to work for you, it begins to work for you at a moment's notice. It becomes a part of your life on a daily basis. So much so that it can become habitual without you even realising it. The manner in how you come across to others that matter in your eyes, is crucial for your business to engage successfully. Your sales attraction, maintenance and increase is not only valued by others in monetary terms but also in your personal content, actions and values. For you are indeed content and your content equals currency. The sooner that you start believing this of yourself, the better.
To see your opportunities as a Black business creative woman or man, it is important that you have a competent awareness from being a working, knowledgable, expert in your field. This is where your social mobility matters. Your social mobility is currency. People will begin to look at you in a different light and will want to link with you via a professional connection in the first instance. The more trustworthy and reliable you become known for your services and/or product, the greater your opportunities gain growth within your community and society. With this growth comes discernment. Your social circle expands and this is where your social mobility takes a step up to another level. Every positive step leads to further opportunities.
Believe In You:
Be attentive to what you say to yourself, in addition to how you speak to yourself.
"I believe that I am the fountain of my future."
"I believe in keeping promises and winning together."
"I believe in my changing outlook."
"I believe in doing the right thing when nobody is looking."
"I believe in playing with the big boys and the little ones also whilst maintaining my integrity, moral compass and expectations."
"I believe in looking you in the eye and that a handshake constitutes a deal."
"I believe that you should contact me to help you."
"I believe in exceeding expectations."
This is why Positive Steps Into Social Mobility believes in you.
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