(tap into the opportunity that has your name on it)
(how to attract advantages and reap the rewards)
(how a person masters their fate is more important than what their fate is)
Positive Steps into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment
Diana Rose Mary Thulare (Co-author)
February 2017.
Hello curious visitor. So glad that you could make it. Thank you very much for popping by. As it is just the two of us here before the others arrive, I want to share something with you ahead of them.
I want you to try knowing and believing that YOU are CONTENT and your content = CURRENCY with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment at my risk. Because I know it works but you don’t …yet!
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately stop believing in yourself and return to your ‘stuck in a groove’ mindset. I mean it, you don’t have to do anything else, just stay exactly where you are. I don’t even want your money to attend the Positive Steps events. You keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will teach you and open doors for you for US$1000’s.
I value our relationship and my reputation for more; much more, than a few thousand euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc. So please, try YOU are CONTENT and your content = CURRENCY with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment for within 24 hours (even though you will gain rewards and opportunities during your lifetime with this, I am giving you within 24 hours to be completely sure and utterly satisfied with this foundation to knowing and believing that YOU are CONTENT and your content = CURRENCY with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself.
If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, I want you to immediately stop believing in yourself and return to your ‘stuck in a groove’ mindset. I mean it, you don’t have to do anything else, just stay exactly where you are. I don’t even want your money to attend the Positive Steps events. You keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will teach you and open doors for you for US$1000’s.
I value our relationship and my reputation for more; much more, than a few thousand euros, dollars, pounds, yen, etc. So please, try YOU are CONTENT and your content = CURRENCY with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment for within 24 hours (even though you will gain rewards and opportunities during your lifetime with this, I am giving you within 24 hours to be completely sure and utterly satisfied with this foundation to knowing and believing that YOU are CONTENT and your content = CURRENCY with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment) I won’t take anything less!
So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself.
Scroll down to the end and click 'Online Store' to start now
Let's continue to get things moving with your content
Question: Why should you turn to Positive Steps to help you with YOUR content and deliver currency to it?
Answer: Right now, at this moment in time, as you are here with me reading this, is it because...
YOU have been steering YOUR content into the same or similar mistakes and getting the same negative/'standing still' results.
YOU have been neglecting YOUR content.
YOU have been abandoning YOUR content.
YOU have been hiding YOUR content.
YOU have been dismissing and/or disbelieving YOUR content.
YOU have been rejecting YOUR content.
YOU have been unfavourable to YOUR own content.
SOLUTION: ALL the answers above have had their day. They are surplus to requirement. They serve no purpose to YOUR content and delivering the currency. You must stop this foolishness of doubting YOUR content. Or, indeed, steering it in the wrong direction and standing in the same sorry spot each and every time. It is bad enough that you let the words of others linger long enough in your head to brow beat you and shackle you. That you do this to yourself is quite another matter. No more! The change happens RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
Lord only knows, I understand that you are struggling with getting ahead in life. Been there. Done that. Have the T-shirts. That the doors which you once knocked are no longer interested in your acquaintance. That you see opportunities passing you by as each year rolls forward and you age that bit more. That your years of loyalty and commitment are no longer required. That you have now finally become disposable, in the eyes of others that once told you that you were valuable.
Hold your head up high. Remember. You are content and your content is currency. It does not matter who you are or where you are from. There will always be something that you do, that you say, that you write… absolutely anything or everything that others are searching for, or had been searching for, that they now find at your feet. For that moment in time you are their Oracle. They need you. They are turning to YOU. Something that you have, they need.
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You are beautiful, rare + precious as a black swan. As black diamonds. As black pearls. |
Tapping into an opportunity that has your name upon it, as well as attracting advantages that enables you to reap the rewards is often missed, or ignored, due to other distractions, hesitations and family held belief systems that rejects any form of self development without the permission of other family members. Usually the elders. Including the input from external peers within your community. The same old same old routine and role of the family is perpetuated through each generation. Opportunity may come knocking but if you are not the keeper of the door, that opportunity will go knocking on the door of the next person on the list.
One of my gifts is being able to teach things that are both simple and straightforward and gets guaranteed results for the disadvantaged, marginalised and disillusioned. I am a diverse minded, follow your dreams, understanding African woman with a flexible viewpoint towards many of my life goals. There is an evolution across the globe of more and more people entering into social mobility; either through the most basic level of education or work. This is adding to the acceleration of more; or a better quality of, needs, wants and desires to enable a better lifestyle for that person and/or their family. The social posturing through unlevelled games in society (and life) have changed. Are changing.
As a child I was painfully shy and did not like to leave my comfort zone. My grandparents used to say to me “One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.” I never understood that as a child. I attended foreign schooling which I disliked, I had wanted to stay at home with my family. To stay in the safe zone of what was familiar to me. It was I that was holding myself back socially, yet accelerating academically. My parents, grandparents and great grandparents saw the bigger picture in my academic and social advancement.
I never heard the phrase social mobility in my family or community. I did however hear the words, imagination, power, ability, strength, develop, grow, honesty, integrity, grace, original, generosity, informative, caring, difference and productive. Everything it takes to succeed in social mobility is with integrity and grace which plays to your and my inherent strengths. If you are still reading my personal letter to you and it resonates with you directly, know that there are more similarities than differences between us.
Positive Steps into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment was co-written by myself and an associate; Camille Lansiquot. Having been introduced by a mutual friend at a social event we found that we had several similarities even though we came from quite different upbringings. We both made numerous mistakes and it is these mistakes that educated us and made us; with our content, stronger as we progressed through personal and professional development using social mobility. Yes, I will not lie to you, for me it was scary at first. I still hold that shy little girl within myself. Being in an environment where everyone is of a different race to your own. Where your language skills have a notable geographic ring to it. Where some laugh at you because you look different. Where some ignore you, due to their fear of you. Where some despise you as their egos overwhelm them. Yet this is outweighed by those truly special people who are indeed different to you AND want to connect with you. Where there is something warmly familiar about their connection in wanting to get to know you and see how the new relationship can be mutually beneficial. This is how your mobility begins. Enriched. Colourful. Varied. Connected. Contributing and holding of ideas. The positives outweigh the negatives.
As Camille says “Everyone entering social mobility will need to develop coping mechanisms from the connections with those persons who carry an elitist cloak of keeping the status quo exactly as it is and keeping newcomers in their place.” Once you know how to side step those types of people at events, the journey is so much more smoother and yielding beyond your wildest dreams. Like me, you are a person who adores helping people through sharing ideas, information and resources for the greater good. This is actually your biggest competitive advantage in social mobility. This is how people remember you and bond with you more strongly as an asset in their life. It is also a reflection of who they are, or for some going through a personal/professional rebirth it is what they aim to be. They see this in you. You hold a mirror up to them as they transform. This is one of your strengths in social mobility. It is profoundly powerful. You, with your content, are profoundly powerful.
Your personal content re-alignment and development with YOUR very own loyal, personal, private assistant; that is Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment, at your fingertips enables social mobility to:
1. Help you with being dedicated and adding values to the lives of others through your unique personal experiences and achievements. The opportunities here include increased income and your control over your worth through YOUR content.
2. Guide you with operating at your most optimum within the environment that you are at, that has the resources and connections that you need to aid YOUR content. The opportunities here include an increased freedom within a location and environment to catapult YOUR content (personal and/or professional) trajectory higher on its journey.
3. Assist you with using the information in ascending steps that are guaranteed to work for you. The opportunities here include making your connections work much more quickly in your favour, in order to bring about an impact that will enhance YOUR personal and/or professional content branding (local,national or global).
4. Capitalise you with quality of time for yourself and others. The opportunities here include an increased level of quality time enabling more freedom to other mutually beneficial activities through YOUR content.
Through re-establishing your content, with Positive Steps into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment, you can help to bring about:
* The solutions that people need for problems.
* The realisations of dreams that people want.
* The fulfilment of tapping into any potential that people want to harness.
All of this through you and your positive steps into social mobility which link a multitude of the varied aspects of YOUR content. You are the one that has made this investment in yourself when no-one else would and, through this investment in yourself you will reap the rewards beyond your wildest dreams. If I can do it, against several odds, then so can you. The numbers of people like you and I are growing across the globe. We are a force to be reckoned with as we tap into the opportunities that social mobility holds for us. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime.
This truly positive injection into your personal content development is priceless and can be utilised across many situations to deliver benefits, opportunities and advantages. Who would not want this for themselves? You are wired to succeed through YOUR CONTENT. Now is the time to start YOUR content realignment and development journey before others jump in front of you and grasp YOUR benefits, opportunities and advantages.
Understand that by 2020 there will be three billion people vying for position in this world.
With Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment your mindset and content becomes more highly focused, aligned and developed. You train yourself to be discerning. Define your goals. Execute a winning strategy that works for you. Something that is built around and supports YOUR personal and/or professional development strengths, as well as crucially YOUR CONTENT. Your content is the key to it all.
Even if you have a multitude of ideas for yourself. There will be moments when you are overwhelmed with the ideas. There will be moments when you are overwhelmed with negative comments from others. The ‘others’; and you know exactly who those people are, that criticise your desire to better yourself through social mobility to enhance your content and provide YOU with greater value. Going into social mobility, without the positive steps that the book guides you with, will make you feel over stretched. You will need a plan. You will need structure. You will need guidance to follow. This is so that you enable the changes in a positive way. With less worry. With less uncertainty. With less self doubt. That the changes will deliver better benefits, opportunities and advantages in your life through YOUR CONTENT.
In essence, you will need a framework.
Framework = Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment.
Clarity = Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment.
This is your easy to read, understand, loyal, private and personal framework assistance with which to support YOUR CONTENT.
With Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment you will always start on basic, then at whichever pace you decide, build yourself up and leverage your presence in social mobility situations strengthening YOUR CONTENT and YOUR CURRENCY.
Learn how to use YOUR CONTENT with social mobility and access the guidance to manifesting through social mobility with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment.
When you asked for help. When you wished for help. When you called upon the Universe to bring something positive to you, you were guided to me to receive the information that will help you achieve what you desire through YOUR content. Do you realise that you have connected to me and through me towards the positive steps into social mobility that is opening up for you? This is a big leap forward from when you first landed on this article.
A connection is opening up for you in order for the Universe to help you in a far greater way. That you are still here with me seeking the answers to YOUR CONTENT and enabling YOUR CONTENT into CURRENCY, indicates that the words you are reading (which are in fact your words, thoughts and ideas) resonate with what you long for. For a better life and everything else that compliments it through YOUR content. That YOU are agreeing to learn more as the gentle words unfold, are showing a delivery to YOU about the essence of success that you are striving for through YOUR content. Including the encouragement and connection that you desire to help you to the next stage in your life.
SO… Inspire yourself and give your inner voice the strength to say:
“Yes!!! That is exactly what I must have.
Please, I must have that now and make that lifelong commitment to myself to prosper through MY CONTENT. I keep asking why is everything taking so long to happen and manifest for me. I am so tired of this inaction. This is all becoming too hard. I need help NOW with my content. I needed help YESTERDAY. Please help me Diana.
I recognise the similarities of your words and my desires to enable MY CURRENCY. I understand what you are saying. Diana, from you I want to learn how to properly position myself through social mobility, in a way that is exciting and different, yet comfortable, easy and informative with real life experiences for me to learn from and learn well. Trying not to make the same mistakes as others had before me. Their mistakes are my gain. My mistakes are MY GAIN. For me to learn from and develop. For me to build my content with and activate the currency. Where the mistakes of others; and my own, will educate me, strengthen me and heighten my level of social mobility acceleration wherever my path may lead. Which in turn will lead to the things that I have been trying to manifest through MY CONTENT.”
“Yes!!! That is exactly what I must have.
Please, I must have that now and make that lifelong commitment to myself to prosper through MY CONTENT. I keep asking why is everything taking so long to happen and manifest for me. I am so tired of this inaction. This is all becoming too hard. I need help NOW with my content. I needed help YESTERDAY. Please help me Diana.
I recognise the similarities of your words and my desires to enable MY CURRENCY. I understand what you are saying. Diana, from you I want to learn how to properly position myself through social mobility, in a way that is exciting and different, yet comfortable, easy and informative with real life experiences for me to learn from and learn well. Trying not to make the same mistakes as others had before me. Their mistakes are my gain. My mistakes are MY GAIN. For me to learn from and develop. For me to build my content with and activate the currency. Where the mistakes of others; and my own, will educate me, strengthen me and heighten my level of social mobility acceleration wherever my path may lead. Which in turn will lead to the things that I have been trying to manifest through MY CONTENT.”
Dear reader, I say this to you, none of it is really complex. Nevertheless, rebuilding and enabling YOUR bespoke content does require some thought and some passion to succeed as you begin to develop yourself. Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment guides you in the right direction, to make your journey perfect for you. Learn the basics and what you need from the guidebook in your own space. In your own time. At your own pace. As and when YOUR CONTENT requires it. It is that simple. This is why many others like YOU have already started on developing their content and enabling the currency that their content brings.
Camille and I with our team of helpers, are organising wonderful event invitations for our customers that have purchased Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment. You do not have to do this all on your own. We are here to help you.
Plus, Camille and I have added an inspirational section on Black people and the diasporas who used social mobility to add to their content and create value. This section shows various historical people with Black/diaspora ancestry that had taken social mobility steps and accessed the rewards throughout decades. Inspirational to the various diasporas over the centuries and even today.
Next step. Knowing more about you. Where are you from? What is YOUR background? Have you started to develop or reactivate YOUR CONTENT already? What has been your best or favourite personal development so far? What have you gained from it that has benefited your personal or professional life? Where are you right now on this journey? Write to me about how you want YOUR CONTENT to develop and activate YOUR CURRENCY when you really take your personal development steps with Positive Steps into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment to YOUR next level. I want you to leave a comment below and let me know.
If you have found this article resonating with you, please share it. Spread the mindset that the two of us share with rebuilding YOUR CONTENT and activating YOUR CURRENCY to enable YOUR personal and/or professional development, to others like us.
Remember to order and purchase Positive Steps into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment from your local bookshop. Or ask your local library to order it for you. Alternatively, you can buy it online through Amazon, CreateSpace and other online suppliers.
You must not let anyone lead you to believe that you cannot do this. YOU ARE CONTENT + YOUR CONTENT = CURRENCY
Nurture YOUR content to deliver better personal and/or professional development with blessings that come your way. With opportunities that come your way. With connections that come your way. With currencies that come your way.
Diana Rose
Make the system work for you
Positive Steps' best read...
PS. I leave you with this for inspiration:
One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it.
Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her. But once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game - Voltaire
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Fate is for those too weak to determine their own destiny - Kamran Hamid