Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: How ONE blog led to making £5208


BEST Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment

How ONE blogpost led me to making £5,208 in ONE day!

When the purpose of combined steps amplifies opportunities to seek you.

"Believe In You" dining & conversation events in social mobility.

Diana Rose Mary Thulare

Your success does not commence from the top. 
Your success starts when you decide to get up from YOUR bottom.”
Joseph Hendricks Cepal

We often underestimate the little things.
Truth is, each one of those little things lead to something BIG.
Two days ago I was speaking to a client and ended up reminiscing on how we got together. We put the pieces together to see how EXACTLY we ended up working together.
Here is how the journey of us working together arrived. Are you ready?

1. I made a blogpost sharing my story.

2. Someone really nice sent me this message: "Bless you and your strength Diana! Diana, do you mind if I share this with someone? I think she could relate to your story and what you are doing with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility for people of colour."

3. A few weeks later I got this beautiful vision whilst entering an experience into my diary. It was about how people needed to let things flow instead of forcing everything to happen immediately. It was all in relation to a stream. A stream that I came across in Scotland whilst I was taking a walk in the countryside with my family. The vision was personal and I had no intention of sharing it with anyone. Only my diary and I knew. To be honest I just did not feel as though anyone would understand my ‘unusual’ vision and the ‘connection’ that I had with a stream.

4. A total stranger enrolled to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility and sent me an email about my being able to explain what it is like to follow your dreams. That is when the vision of the stream came up and I shared it.

5. Unbeknownst to me, this total stranger was the person in question from a previous message that had been received.

6. In the sharing of the vision I also suggested to her about getting on a free introductory telephone call with me. She scheduled a date and time with me within two days.

7. Within the introductory call she showed an interest in working with me, but she did not invest in herself in one of our silver service events.

8. Just one month later she contacted me with a request for a bespoke social mobility session where she was willing to pay £5,208 for a private silver service session at a top London hotel. She paid in full. £5,208 in 1 day for 1 day’s engagement into social mobility! This is not the norm, but it was an incredible surprise. A welcomed surprise.

I absolutely adore this client and she has grown so much from engaging with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility private sessions. Again this arrangement is bespoke and particular. Not the standard for Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness & Empowerment. If I had to name it I would call it a Gold Service.
On our last call two days ago she said "I feel like a stronger, more engaging, person. I feel so glad that I found you. As you know I came into money, I was not brought up with money, so this trajectory into another social sphere is scary and new. Thank you for being there for me."

It all started with just ONE blogpost!

This is why I adore Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness & Empowerment and what it can do for people. People like you. People like me. I adore what it teaches you. I adore the freedom it allows people like you to reach further in life. To reach for your dreams and turn them into reality.

If you need support on social mobility awareness, what steps are right for you and how to do them, I would suggest to you in the first instance to buy the guide book first, which acts as your private assistant. Then, if you need more support in a small, friendly, group setting, simply join one of our silver service events. Get your name on the invitation list.

If you need social mobility steps in a more private and confidential setting just send me a message. Let’s talk.

Just like my aforementioned female client. I want you to also feel LIKE A NEW PERSON!

Finally, I'm very curious. What is your upbringing? What is your dream?

Social Manners Matter

The question is this, WHY should you take the time and effort to make any steps into social mobility? 
Let me explain why social mobility can kick ass and infuriate the ‘others’ who try to hold you back from your opportunities.

Especially when others around you have never taken any steps in achieving more for themselves or their family. 
That wanting to be better in your life is seen as being an ‘upstart’ from those around you. 
When the purpose of combined steps amplifies opportunities to seek you, you run away from it

Social Mobility (definition and meaning)
Social mobility is the movement of individuals, like you.  Families like yours.  Plus, other categories of people similar to you who are within or between a social strata in a society.  The mobility is a change in social status relative to your social location within a given society. 

The movement can be in a downward or upward direction.  There are numerous methods and techniques to access social mobility through Absolute Social Mobility and Relative Social Mobility.

Absolute social mobility refers to the overall numbers of people like you who end up in a different layer of stratification from that of their parents.

Relative social mobility refers to the differences in opportunities for someone like you in attaining a certain outcome, regardless of overall structural changes.

The use of social mobility for you is important in providing pathways to greater equality in societies with high social inequality.

Social Mobility is most often measured in terms of a change in economic mobility, such as changes in income or wealth.  Occupation is another measure used in social mobility.

In general, social mobility is highly dependent on the overall structure of social statuses and occupations in a given society.  Different times of history and different locations around the world place variables on social mobility, such as your gender, ethnicity and age in order to regulate the level of movement into social mobility.

As we are at the start of the 21st Century, the momentum for awareness and empowerment from social mobility is being awakened in ordinary people who see a brighter future for themselves through various advancements, for example technology and spirituality. 

You desire a better future for yourself.  You want a better future for yourself.  You must have a better future for yourself. 

This is as more and more people become connected and knowledgeable of the potential for opportunities through social mobility events.

Do you know the saying "God helps those, who help themselves."  Well, it is true.  You shall know how to help yourself at the "Believe In You" dining and conversation events.

Table Manners Benefit Your Opportunity

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment.

Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness and Empowerment


Positive Steps Into Social Mobility