Why should you care who I am? Positive Steps Into Social Mobility
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment
simplify to amplify
I say, "This is YOUR time to ‘next step’ who you are."
Why should you care who am I?
The simple answer is, unless you struggle with confidence with your 1st step into social mobility, you probably shouldn’t.
But if you do and you want to know why someone who used to be a shy and introvert university student venturing into the world of business, then spent countless hours dedicating herself to finding a way to go from mentally combatting old family beliefs/responsibilities with an advancement of social mobility wealth and being successful, to achieving success through greater confidence, in order to harness her 1st and subsequent positive steps into social mobility, in as little as taking less than 1 hour, then you might just want to pay attention.
My name is Diana Thulare and I am Co-Author of Positive Steps Into Social Mobility, a Lifestyle Coach and a Mentor. Pleased to meet you.
Diaspora Positive Steps
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is the only best Quintessential Little Black Book of Accessing Social Mobility for those from a diaspora within the UK Commonwealth. This is YOUR time to 'next step' YOUR package.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment is the only best quintessential little black book to gather the information of social etiquette, table manners and social mobility steps to aid YOU as a member of a diaspora and help to move YOUR life forward. Not only can it help YOU as you start out independently, but it can also help you as you move or change from one set of circumstances to another and, help to aid you with other like minded people through your synergies, in order to bring about more and better advantages and opportunities, including prosperity. All resulting in economic and social development for YOU. This is where you put into action the steps that others before you had used and gained from. Whether you are female or male. Whether you are a young or mature student. Whether you are single, married or widowed. Whether you are living with someone of the same sex or someone of the opposite sex. Whether you are unemployed, employed or in retirement. Whether you are starting out with a new family, have already an established family, or choosing not to have a family. Whether you are an unmarried single parent or divorced parent. Whether you are able bodied or ‘disabled’. The list grows longer across all types of situations. Whatever your circumstances, the assistance delivered to you within Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment is that of a loyal, personal, private advisor.
Whenever you need it. Wherever you need it.
Framework or confines of your society
Whether you consider yourself to be politically defined as Black, Coloured or White. Or YOU have a preference yourself to being described as Oriental, Coloured, Mixed Race, Black, Indian, Asian, Half Caste, Red Skin, Ginger or other name, within the social framework or confines of your community amongst the many diasporas of the UK Commonwealth. Or whether you have been tagged with the description of Coloured, Mixed Race, Black, Oriental, Asian or Ethnic as an expat living in a foreign land amongst other expats. The one thing that you all have in common is the connection to the First World. The connection to the United Kingdom and seen as a First World country. Whether through an assimilation of history, culture, religion and bloodline, you do have the connection. This is the framework to which Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment journey’s through and transcends enabling the diaspora to confidently access opportunities and prosperity with foresight.
In fact, the positive steps gathered within Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment can also be used as a broader aspect of help, to help those of you from other European colonising countries, such as the, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and German colonies. This is YOUR time to 'next step' YOUR package.
Prior to the 17th century Britain had possessed the territories of:
Aden. Anguilla. Antigua and Barbuda. Ascension Islands. Australia. Bahamas. Bahrain. Barbados. Basutoland. Bechuanaland. Bermuda. British Antarctic Territory. British Guiana. British Honduras. British Indian Ocean Territory. British North Borneo. British Somaliland. British Virgin Islands. Brunei. Burma. Cameroons. Canada. Cayman Islands. Ceylon. Cyprus. Dominica. Egypt. Falkland Islands. Fiji. Florida and 13 USA colonies. Gambia. Gibraltar. Gold Coast. Grenada. St. Helena. Hong Kong. India. Ionian Islands. Iraq. Ireland. Jamaica. Jordan. Kenya. Kiribati. St.Kitts and Nevis. Kuwait. St.Lucia. Malaya. Maldives. Malta. Mauritius. Minorca. Monsterrat. Mosquito Coast. Nauru. New Zealand. Newfoundland. Nigeria. North Rhodesia. Nyasaland. Oman. Palestine. Papua New Guinea. Pitcairn. Qatar. Sarawak. Seychelles. Sierra Leone. Singapore. Socotra. Solomon Islands. South Africa. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. South Rhodesia. South West Africa. Sudan. Swaziland. Tanganyika. Tonga. Trinidad and Tobago. Tristan da Cunha. Turks and Caicos Islands. Tuvalu. Uganda. United Arab Emirates. Vanuatu. St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Weihai. Western Samoa. Zanzibar.
Each territory recognised as being under the rule of the British Empire. Governed through economics, history, culture, religion and bloodline.
UK Commonwealth Today
To date, the UK Commonwealth consists of 52 states that share a Commonwealth Charter.
The UK Commonwealth as an organisation supports member governments, and it partners with the Commonwealth family to improve the well-being of all Commonwealth citizens in addition to advancing their shared interests globally.
The UK Commonwealth has a Secretariat structure that is split into three key areas: 1. Political, 2. Corporate & Economic 3. Social Development. These are overseen by the UK Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Office in London.
Today the UK Commonwealth consists of the following countries:
Countries by region
Botswana Cameroon Ghana Kenya Lesotho Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Nigeria Rwanda Seychelles Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Zambia
Bangladesh Brunei Darussalam India Malaysia Pakistan Singapore Sri Lanka
Caribbean and Americas
Antigua and Barbuda The Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Dominica Grenada Guyana Jamaica Saint Lucia St Kitts and Nevis St Vincent and The Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago
Cyprus Malta United Kingdom
Australia Fiji Kiribati Nauru New Zealand Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Positive Steps only the BEST
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is the only best Quintessential Little Black Book of Accessing Social Mobility for those from a diaspora within the UK Commonwealth. This is YOUR opportunity to learn the positive steps that can deliver to YOU as it does already to the priviledged within society. This is YOUR opportunity to learn the positive steps that can deliver to YOU various advantages and mutually beneficial situations to bring about YOUR furtherance through opportunities, as YOU journey on YOUR life’s journey. Make social mobility your vehicle that can transport YOU from issues and problems to opportunities and prosperity today. This is YOUR time to 'next step' YOUR package.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment is YOUR connection to advancing through the diaspora and, opening up YOUR opportunities to receive YOUR prosperity through YOUR personal and professional content. Guaranteed.
With Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment the more positive steps that YOU take, the more beneficial changes open up for YOU. Guaranteed.
Thousands of other individuals have journeyed upon the positive steps before you and have received opportunities and prosperity. Now it is YOUR TIME.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment is where YOU decide to make the first step. Your first foundation steps upon which all other steps rest.
+ With your first step comes the momentum for change through awareness and empowerment.
+ With your first step comes the momentum for valid solutions to all your social mobility issues and problems.
+ With your first step opens up varied and beneficial opportunities and prosperity.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment is YOUR loyal, personal, private advisor to access ‘as and when’ you need it. To be used like the traffic light system. Red for stop. Amber for awareness. Green for empowerment and go.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment providing YOU with the tools and resources to enable YOUR opportunities and prosperity to be delivered to YOU.
REALISATION: When YOU do not take steps to change your life, YOUR life will not change.
This is YOUR time to 'next step' YOUR package and connect with your diaspora living in Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Deutschland, Espana, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Russia, Sverige, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA...+plus more
Discover what they know and how they are already taking positive steps into social mobility. So can YOU.
(Cue: the harps playing as you make your first positive step)
Diana Rose Mary Thulare
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility
Diana Rose Mary Thulare is a co-authoress of Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment. She is 59 years old and was born in South Africa. Her family have royal links.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment, in a changing society. Revealing the What? Where? When? Why? Who? How? of the privileged. Forms part of a series of three books. They can be purchased as a set or on an individual basis.
About the Authoress
Diana Rose Mary Thulare is 59 years old and was born in South Africa. Her family have royal links. Diana was schooled at a convent in Great Britain with further studies in South Africa and France. Diana is married to a Scottish businessman and has two children. Diana works as a lifestyle coach and mentor to female UK Commonwealth entrepreneurs.
As a child Diana was instilled with strength and confidence from her great grandparents who told her “Knowledge is power, but it is the action that you decide to use from the knowledge which is powerful.” This is a legacy from her great grandparents that she has passed on to her children and to young adults that she inspires through her work in personal development.
This is the first collaboration between Diana Rose Mary Thulare and Camille Lansiquot. The pair had been introduced at a women's entrepreneurial event in London during 2015 by a mutual editor friend named Jay Oberg, who immediately saw the synergy of their experiences and the benefits of collaborating together on a personal development themed publication. The result was the formation of the current publication to help women and girls; predominantly, who were from a Commonwealth heritage and felt disenfranchised, marginalised and fearful of striving for better in their lives. It was through the experiences of Diana, Camille and various family, friends, associates and colleagues experiences, that they were able to amass the information which led to the delivery of the birth of their new work Positive Steps Into Social Mobility, in order to help others in similar social and cultural predicaments.
Diana, like Camille, is a strong advocate of social mobility for individuals who are gifted with great talents, yet are disadvantaged, marginalised or disenfranchised by the upper echelons of society for not having the correct skin colour, the correct accents, the correct parentage and the correct physical appearances.
Commencing your personal preparation in your comfort zone
Both Diana and Camille strongly believe that:
You are never too fat.
You are never too thin.
You are never too pale.
You are never too dark.
You are never too short.
You are never too tall.
You are never too ethnic.
You are never too old.
You are never too young.
You are never too freckled.
You are never too ugly.
You are never too obscure.
You are never too autistic.
You are never too colourful.
You are never too boring.
You are never too Deaf.
You are never too disabled.
You are never too shy.
You are never too poor.
You are never too lacking in anything for your first and subsequent positive steps into social mobility. You are never alone.
Within your own personal zone Positive Steps Into Social Mobility prepares the reader with the best possible foundation to access various society situations. Positive Steps Into Social Mobility delivers pleasant, personal and purposeful techniques and methods for beneficial levels of social interaction, development and growth. Understanding your needs, wants and desires to get ahead and step into a better present (and future) environment, in a seemingly effortless manner.
Learn how to use social mobility and access the guidance to manifesting through social mobility with Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility book series
Drawing on the broad expertise of the co-authors in manners and etiquette, Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is a practical guidebook that helps the reader to understand the roles and frequently asked questions of UK Commonwealth guests, hosts and hostesses in being able to cope with an array of dilemmas and challenges on the subject of table manners and introductions. Plus more…
For the quintessential little black book of accessing social mobility, a preparatory, simple, easy to read, quintessential guide on ‘Learning the enjoyable aspects for drinking wines, spirits and other dinning beverages (Book 2)’.
For the quintessential little black book of accessing social mobility, a preparatory, simple, easy to read, quintessential guide on ‘Learning the satisfaction from eating challenging foods (Book 3)’.
In various multicultural societies where people are trying to fit in and better their lifestyle from retirement prospects, higher education, new employment, various forms of new relationships with work colleagues, associates, acquaintances and family members, awareness and empowerment for positive steps into social mobility is a pivotal aspect of a changing society from the rigidness of social class.
Diana Rose is highly thrilled and committed to have collaborated as an author to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment for the benefit of Black women from the British Commonwealth and other former colonies. That through this publication, each and every one of these women understands that through their personal and professional content, that they have a wealth of opportunities and prosperity waiting for them with social mobility. This book is their personal insight and advisor to accessing social mobility and open doors of opportunity across the social classes and diaspora.
Make the system work for you. Take your first steps and make them positively work for you through Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness and Empowerment
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