Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Help from Diana
The promise of this transitional and transformational social mobility life coaching event that helps you to overcome a feeling of being perturbed, a feeling of social apprehensiveness, anxiety, uneasiness and trepidation with meeting new people is that you shall connect with YOUR big vision of you all through the experience of achievement escalation. You shall feel a level of success and elevation within yourself. You shall feel a growth in confidence. You shall feel engaged with a changed mindset that dispels the negativity and shackles of others that had hurt your feelings before and whose role in life IS solely to hold you back from moving forward and attaining further opportunities; where you have the propensity to gain further advantages and progression through a visibility of who you are and what you can offer, in a way that sits well with you. You shall strategise with your values. You shall claim the outcome that you want to have.
Your spotlight will stay on your zone of genius, because YOU DO have a zone of genius.
You do have an upper hand.
Regardless of your skin colour, your ethnicity, your gender, your accent, where you were brought up, or a ‘disability’ that you may have.
You are content + your content = currency
Even if your social mobility troubles accrue, our troubleshooting steps deliver for you.
Your spotlight will stay on your zone of genius, because YOU DO have a zone of genius.
You do have an upper hand.
Regardless of your skin colour, your ethnicity, your gender, your accent, where you were brought up, or a ‘disability’ that you may have.
You are content + your content = currency
Even if your social mobility troubles accrue, our troubleshooting steps deliver for you.

"This was a no-brainer for me. I am a divorcee having started off as a Page 3 girl and then progressing to a glamour model. I came from a council estate dwelling. I made my success through a myriad of favours or promises to men of the time who could progress my career in the media circles. I made money but I did not have the ‘silver spoon’ class. Class being an important part in British society. I also suffer from autism. Something that I recently discovered in my middle age.
I want the next phase of my life to be accountable for something different. Something worthy of me and who I am now. A transformation of my life from my humble beginnings. Although I have a mental health therapist to help me deal with anxiety and depression, I am searching for something to support the other areas of my life. That I want to live by being the best that I can be at my own say so through all areas of my life. I also feel a need to connect with other women who are being psychologically abused (or had been psychologically abused) by a partner and have autism.
I truly believe that I need social mobility to help me achieve better and higher aspects of my life. To walk in my own strength as I take my life through a transformation that I know is right for me with the aid of social mobility. Through sheer convenience I went online to search for a forum, group or workshop that connected with what I needed. The search brought up Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness + Empowerment. I looked at the information; videos and blogs. I enrolled to the newsletter. I then logged on to Amazon to purchase the book. The name just said it all. It was a light bulb moment. It was like a calling to me. Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness + Empowerment.
I received the monthly newsletter and having reserved my place for a Silver Service event at a designated restaurant, I was well taken care of by the Positive Steps team. Prior to attending. During the event and post event. I really, really, enjoyed the event. It was an overdue gift to myself for my well-being. It gave me the 'oomph' that I needed to start the real process of entering my new second life phase of completions & achievements. I even met with a woman who had recently been divorced and was looking to use social mobility as a resource to a new transformation of her life. I truly enjoyed the event and made new friends that I am looking forward to attending again."
I want the next phase of my life to be accountable for something different. Something worthy of me and who I am now. A transformation of my life from my humble beginnings. Although I have a mental health therapist to help me deal with anxiety and depression, I am searching for something to support the other areas of my life. That I want to live by being the best that I can be at my own say so through all areas of my life. I also feel a need to connect with other women who are being psychologically abused (or had been psychologically abused) by a partner and have autism.
I truly believe that I need social mobility to help me achieve better and higher aspects of my life. To walk in my own strength as I take my life through a transformation that I know is right for me with the aid of social mobility. Through sheer convenience I went online to search for a forum, group or workshop that connected with what I needed. The search brought up Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness + Empowerment. I looked at the information; videos and blogs. I enrolled to the newsletter. I then logged on to Amazon to purchase the book. The name just said it all. It was a light bulb moment. It was like a calling to me. Positive Steps Into Social Mobility - Awareness + Empowerment.
I received the monthly newsletter and having reserved my place for a Silver Service event at a designated restaurant, I was well taken care of by the Positive Steps team. Prior to attending. During the event and post event. I really, really, enjoyed the event. It was an overdue gift to myself for my well-being. It gave me the 'oomph' that I needed to start the real process of entering my new second life phase of completions & achievements. I even met with a woman who had recently been divorced and was looking to use social mobility as a resource to a new transformation of her life. I truly enjoyed the event and made new friends that I am looking forward to attending again."
Brenda, England
"I practically live life as a modern day hermit, because of this fear to engage with others outside of the small circle of individuals that I work with. I eat alone and feel awkward in my social habits with others whom I feel are watching my every move when I go out for something to eat. I do not have a particularly executive board job. I work in hygiene on a shift basis and I feel at home with a small crew of people. I avoid gazes when I eat at cafe’s and I am certain that it looks odd when I look away hurriedly from people that are glancing in my direction. I just want to be able to have the confidence to eat alone wherever I go in public without feeling like a goldfish in a bowl. Paranoid at times I guess.
I knew that I wanted a change in my life and through this change the ability to be with a companion for a long-term relationship. I tried the online dating process but it was not working for me.
I had to go back to basics and that meant a definitive shift in how I could best present myself in public situations. I had no idea what I was really looking for in respect of a training or workshop course. I knew that I had to try a couple things and put together a schedule that worked for me. I looked at various social interactive courses / training packages and chose compatible dates for cooking, image representation and wine tasting. The courses were informative and I gained some useful knowledge. Nevertheless, I was still seeking something else. Something to click with me and feel ideal.
I did another online search and was looking for something in social mobility. It was a phrase that kept cropping up but which I dismissed as background noise. The search came up with YouTube videos, books and a few websites. Some were about lifestyles of rich people. Some were American based. Some were about silver service waiting staff. Some were about finishing schools. Some were about etiquette. Most training packages were expensive and for long training durations. One of the online searches was for Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. The book. The videos. The events. One evening I looked at the website and the selection of available videos and it felt more natural and easy to participate in. The enrollment was free, although I think that there should be a cost for membership as the stuff that you come away with is real value for money for people in a similar predicament to myself. Also, I was not inundated with emails to my inbox. No lengthy training. Just a real-time event with real-time experiences within a friendly environment. A small group of people who were willing to give social mobility a go, in order to better their life using basic positive steps with non judgemental professionals. Plus, it was British and covered the British Commonwealth which was essential to me.
I laid my cards on the table and attended an event, which was surprisingly enlightening. I had a lot of expectational pressure on myself and Positive Steps Into Social Mobility to deliver 'something' for me. Most of the basic positive steps I knew, but had never really put them into action. It was the mindset change that I was happy to take on board. It made sense to me sitting there with other individuals, each of us attending and going with eyes and ears open to absorb the positive steps in a warm, friendly and comfortable environment. The restaurant chosen to practice the positive steps was ideal. The silver service waiting staff were lovely people and they were happy to help and educate us without us feeling as though we were being talked down to.
I thoroughly recommend Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. Simplicity at its best in social mobility. I would definitely attend again as it is a great way for making new friends."
I knew that I wanted a change in my life and through this change the ability to be with a companion for a long-term relationship. I tried the online dating process but it was not working for me.
I had to go back to basics and that meant a definitive shift in how I could best present myself in public situations. I had no idea what I was really looking for in respect of a training or workshop course. I knew that I had to try a couple things and put together a schedule that worked for me. I looked at various social interactive courses / training packages and chose compatible dates for cooking, image representation and wine tasting. The courses were informative and I gained some useful knowledge. Nevertheless, I was still seeking something else. Something to click with me and feel ideal.
I did another online search and was looking for something in social mobility. It was a phrase that kept cropping up but which I dismissed as background noise. The search came up with YouTube videos, books and a few websites. Some were about lifestyles of rich people. Some were American based. Some were about silver service waiting staff. Some were about finishing schools. Some were about etiquette. Most training packages were expensive and for long training durations. One of the online searches was for Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. The book. The videos. The events. One evening I looked at the website and the selection of available videos and it felt more natural and easy to participate in. The enrollment was free, although I think that there should be a cost for membership as the stuff that you come away with is real value for money for people in a similar predicament to myself. Also, I was not inundated with emails to my inbox. No lengthy training. Just a real-time event with real-time experiences within a friendly environment. A small group of people who were willing to give social mobility a go, in order to better their life using basic positive steps with non judgemental professionals. Plus, it was British and covered the British Commonwealth which was essential to me.
I laid my cards on the table and attended an event, which was surprisingly enlightening. I had a lot of expectational pressure on myself and Positive Steps Into Social Mobility to deliver 'something' for me. Most of the basic positive steps I knew, but had never really put them into action. It was the mindset change that I was happy to take on board. It made sense to me sitting there with other individuals, each of us attending and going with eyes and ears open to absorb the positive steps in a warm, friendly and comfortable environment. The restaurant chosen to practice the positive steps was ideal. The silver service waiting staff were lovely people and they were happy to help and educate us without us feeling as though we were being talked down to.
I thoroughly recommend Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. Simplicity at its best in social mobility. I would definitely attend again as it is a great way for making new friends."
Rhys, Wales
"I grew up as a sickly child and was never allowed out to integrate with other children for fear from my parents of becoming gravely ill. Having been home schooled and then sent away to boarding school which I detested. As a result, one can find it terribly awkward to start up conversations with people; in the main. People want things 'toute de suite' now. They want reactions to situations almost immediately. There is this impatience to life. So someone who is shy often finds themselves being left behind in conversations. It can make one feel that they are being treated as a social leper. Therefore, books tend to become one’s friend.
As an adult I had to find a way to grow and mingle with people that did not rush me into false friendships and associations. Although someone of my background has had the opportunity to learn certain social graces, it is the people that one associates with whom also have similar life experiences and mindsets, is what makes one want to revel in the gaiety of social mobility. Once one has that inner voice intention, it then becomes where does one meet those individuals.
I am not a rich person. I live a modest middle class life. There is an enjoyment of meeting different people with a similar like-mindedness. There are so many society schools, finishing schools and Americanised videos regarding social etiquette and manners. They often feel cold and distant. Impersonal. The search was to seek a more warm, friendly and inclusive gathering that had the spirit of inclusivity in its lessons. That encouraged day to day activities and real life experiences in the most basic steps of social mobility with a variety of well-intentioned individuals.
There are many books and many videos on the subject of etiquette, but finding something specific towards social mobility was a grey area. An online search brought forward YouTube videos. From the search one of the videos that was recommended was directed to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. Taking a look at the selection of videos and then looking at the Positive Steps Into Social Mobility website, I was drawn to the visuals and the experiences of the authors of social mobility. The information given by Positive Steps Into Social had a nice balance of emotion and social mobility process. The book was very inexpensive. Less than £10 for a lot of valuable information to enable readers to take their first positive steps into social mobility. A steal really.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is a very British publication. An exceptional British Commonwealth guidance that is accessible to everyone who wants to venture into social mobility, and it was important that it held that British Commonwealth feel to it. Very distinctive. Very global. It is all doable if one wants to really make an advancement in one’s life.
As a result from buying the book (less than £10!), the next step was to attend an event. Enrolling to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility was effortless and FREE. They just keep you updated as to when a Silver Service event is happening so that you can factor it into your continual social mobility development at a date that suits you. So far I have been a repeat client as the events are honestly enjoyable and educational without being too stuffy or pompous. Plus, I enjoyed the intimacy of a small group of people at a table. People on similar journeys through social mobility to aid their life. Imagine a closed forum for individuals seeking a particular continual personal development with the addition of warm and friendly staff, silver service and wonderful food. I have enjoyed the company of people that have attended the events and have made some good friends.
There is always a take away moment from each event due to the individuals that attend. My personal take away experience from Positive Steps is that when you make the positive steps you will encounter people who want to offer you a helping hand on your journey, because you reached out by showing them an aspect of your helping hand through your social mobility. Professionally. Socially. Personally. That is the icing plus the cherry on the cake of what Positive Steps Into Social Mobility can do for you."
As an adult I had to find a way to grow and mingle with people that did not rush me into false friendships and associations. Although someone of my background has had the opportunity to learn certain social graces, it is the people that one associates with whom also have similar life experiences and mindsets, is what makes one want to revel in the gaiety of social mobility. Once one has that inner voice intention, it then becomes where does one meet those individuals.
I am not a rich person. I live a modest middle class life. There is an enjoyment of meeting different people with a similar like-mindedness. There are so many society schools, finishing schools and Americanised videos regarding social etiquette and manners. They often feel cold and distant. Impersonal. The search was to seek a more warm, friendly and inclusive gathering that had the spirit of inclusivity in its lessons. That encouraged day to day activities and real life experiences in the most basic steps of social mobility with a variety of well-intentioned individuals.
There are many books and many videos on the subject of etiquette, but finding something specific towards social mobility was a grey area. An online search brought forward YouTube videos. From the search one of the videos that was recommended was directed to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility. Taking a look at the selection of videos and then looking at the Positive Steps Into Social Mobility website, I was drawn to the visuals and the experiences of the authors of social mobility. The information given by Positive Steps Into Social had a nice balance of emotion and social mobility process. The book was very inexpensive. Less than £10 for a lot of valuable information to enable readers to take their first positive steps into social mobility. A steal really.
Positive Steps Into Social Mobility is a very British publication. An exceptional British Commonwealth guidance that is accessible to everyone who wants to venture into social mobility, and it was important that it held that British Commonwealth feel to it. Very distinctive. Very global. It is all doable if one wants to really make an advancement in one’s life.
As a result from buying the book (less than £10!), the next step was to attend an event. Enrolling to Positive Steps Into Social Mobility was effortless and FREE. They just keep you updated as to when a Silver Service event is happening so that you can factor it into your continual social mobility development at a date that suits you. So far I have been a repeat client as the events are honestly enjoyable and educational without being too stuffy or pompous. Plus, I enjoyed the intimacy of a small group of people at a table. People on similar journeys through social mobility to aid their life. Imagine a closed forum for individuals seeking a particular continual personal development with the addition of warm and friendly staff, silver service and wonderful food. I have enjoyed the company of people that have attended the events and have made some good friends.
There is always a take away moment from each event due to the individuals that attend. My personal take away experience from Positive Steps is that when you make the positive steps you will encounter people who want to offer you a helping hand on your journey, because you reached out by showing them an aspect of your helping hand through your social mobility. Professionally. Socially. Personally. That is the icing plus the cherry on the cake of what Positive Steps Into Social Mobility can do for you."
Pamela, England
The promise of this transformational social mobility life coaching event is that you will be able to think, feel, be or do what you want more than anything to think, feel, be or do whilst navigating the problems or issues that you are going through.
I promise to enable you to feel more inclusive with like-minded people that like what you have to offer in friendly social circles. That you shall feel unsuppressed with your content. That you shall feel inspired and align with like-minded people who want to listen to you and connect with you for business. That you shall feel a freedom, a freshness and full of innovation in the company of like-minded others who want to add you to their social circle. In addition, you will find that you have the ability to touch more lives through the Positive Steps Into Social Mobility, Awareness & Empowerment for adults transitional and transformational life coaching, that shall enable you to increase your abundance. Professionally. Socially. Personally.
Believe in You, Guide, Teach, Inspire, Prompt, Motivate, Explore
Helping you get what you want out of life.
Even if your social mobility troubles accrue, our troubleshooting steps deliver for you.